Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Real talk!

You know in the real sense of it, you can't blame the creator...because when he created sex he created it to be pleasurable between man and wife.
But trust the world to take what God gave us and use it against his pleasure. You know pornography in itself is not just about 'watching'...cuz in your mind you tell yourself, I'm not doing anything wrong after all I've never committed such act but I tell you you're doing much worse. 'How?' you would say
Okay...just imagine yourself watching a video where a guy is murdering another person or a gang of men are killing people. Now if you were watching that scene would you feel pleased? Would your insides be excited? I doubt it. I highly doubt it. So why would you think just 'watching' it is doing no harm.
Sometimes you try to tell yourself that the women look happy, after all you didn't force them. Child of God! Those women would not be doing such if they know Christ like you do. They would keep their bodies holy and presentable even as God commanded it. Now don't think I'm saying the women are always forced by the men to commit such acts but if the man knew that he should not allow his body to fufill the lusts of the flesh understanding the fact that he's the head of the home do you think he would treat those women as 'objects' No!

When you allow yourself to be carried away by the pleasures of this world you lose sight of what Christ did on the cross for me and you. Probably the first time, you feel sad but the second time your spirit starts giving way as you allow your flesh to do as it pleases. Funny thing is when it happens, it's not really a surprise, you'll find traces.Check back you'll identify reduced interest in the things of God, no genuine interest to pray or study or evangelize, making excuses for the "little sins" you commit.

God does love us and that was why he sent his only son to save us. From all of this. Drug abuse, pornography, masturbation, sexual immorality, fornication, adultery, stealing, cheating, lieing (the "excusable" sin in this 21st century).... The list can go on and on. Jesus loves you, that's the point and no matter what you may have done he wants to help you out of that so you can be who God has called you to be

You can pray this prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for dying for my sins, I surrender all to you, please keep me in your perfect will, help me to fix my gaze on you not turning back one second to look at the world. I believe in you Jesus. Thank you for forgiving me. Amen (you totally need to find more time to talk to your father but this can help give a head start)

God bless.

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