Monday, 31 December 2012


You know yesterday I heard a very tragic story, a girl, a student in my level in the university dead! might just be saying, so what? may people have died this year,but I kinda went into deep thought thinking, we were in the same school, entered school the same year, went for the same chapel services, went for classes we may have even met each other on different occasions but she's no more,....a life gone!..just like that! and it got me thinking...
     So a new year is about to begin tomorrow and I know most people would be saying "Thank you God, that i'm alive" but I want to ask you a question..ARE YOU REALLY ALIVE? waking up and going going about all life's activities,and doing nada...sorry doesn't qualify you to be a living being.
   See one thing I want you to understand is that your flesh is just a covering of your true self -your want proof?...well when a person dies what happens?...don't you still get to see the body?!...but the difference is that body cannot talk, cannot move, cannot express what he's feeling,cannot be alive why?...because the body is empty! i.e DEAD
   You see Jesus came that we may have life, and not just life but LIFE IN ABUNDANCE!...if you live each day like every other normal person does without a purpose, without a reason to live ,sorry but you're not living just a walking corpse...sorry but please think about it, if christ came for me to have life in abundance and I just feel wretched, I feel depressed, I just feel dead then AM I NOT JUST CHEATING MYSELF?
   I would like to encourage you beloved, this new year we're going into must not pass you by WITHOUT LIVING YOUR LIFE IN ABUNDANCE!!!....because why then did Christ come in the first place.Please before this year comes I want you to know that Jesus is not satisfied with your condition, he doesn't want you feeling that way ever again, he's really concerned about you and he's telling you this is not what I planned for you, this was not the picture I had of you before you were brought into this world,he's telling you GET RIGHT UP ON YOUR FEET AND START LIVING THAT LIFE I PLANNED FOR YOU.
    I pray you have a change of mindset now that you know he came for you to live in abundance. Happy new year and remember THIS YEAR IS CERTAINLY GOING TO BE AN ABUNDANT YEAR FOR YOU!

God Bless.
ibksuper :)

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