Monday, 31 December 2012


You know yesterday I heard a very tragic story, a girl, a student in my level in the university dead! might just be saying, so what? may people have died this year,but I kinda went into deep thought thinking, we were in the same school, entered school the same year, went for the same chapel services, went for classes we may have even met each other on different occasions but she's no more,....a life gone!..just like that! and it got me thinking...
     So a new year is about to begin tomorrow and I know most people would be saying "Thank you God, that i'm alive" but I want to ask you a question..ARE YOU REALLY ALIVE? waking up and going going about all life's activities,and doing nada...sorry doesn't qualify you to be a living being.
   See one thing I want you to understand is that your flesh is just a covering of your true self -your want proof?...well when a person dies what happens?...don't you still get to see the body?!...but the difference is that body cannot talk, cannot move, cannot express what he's feeling,cannot be alive why?...because the body is empty! i.e DEAD
   You see Jesus came that we may have life, and not just life but LIFE IN ABUNDANCE!...if you live each day like every other normal person does without a purpose, without a reason to live ,sorry but you're not living just a walking corpse...sorry but please think about it, if christ came for me to have life in abundance and I just feel wretched, I feel depressed, I just feel dead then AM I NOT JUST CHEATING MYSELF?
   I would like to encourage you beloved, this new year we're going into must not pass you by WITHOUT LIVING YOUR LIFE IN ABUNDANCE!!!....because why then did Christ come in the first place.Please before this year comes I want you to know that Jesus is not satisfied with your condition, he doesn't want you feeling that way ever again, he's really concerned about you and he's telling you this is not what I planned for you, this was not the picture I had of you before you were brought into this world,he's telling you GET RIGHT UP ON YOUR FEET AND START LIVING THAT LIFE I PLANNED FOR YOU.
    I pray you have a change of mindset now that you know he came for you to live in abundance. Happy new year and remember THIS YEAR IS CERTAINLY GOING TO BE AN ABUNDANT YEAR FOR YOU!

God Bless.
ibksuper :)

Tuesday, 25 December 2012


It's that time of year again. December has come and with it all the joys of Christmas. But what is the real meaning of Christmas? Is it the gifts under the tree, the lights in the windows, the cards in the mail, turkey dinners with family and friends, snow in the yard, stockings hanging in the living room, and shouts of "Merry Christmas" to those who pass us in the streets? Is this really Christmas?
For many people, Christmas is a time of sorrow. They don't have the extra money to buy presents for their children, family, and friends. Many are saddened at Christmas time when they think of their loved ones who will not be able to come home for various reasons. Turkey dinners may be only a wish and not a reality for some.
Yet, Christmas can be a season of great joy. It is a time of God showing His great love for us. It can be a time of healing and renewed strength. You see, Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of the Christ child. God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world to be born. His birth brought great joy to the world. Shepherds, wise men, and angels all shared in the excitement of knowing about this great event. They knew this was no ordinary baby. The prophets had told of His coming hundreds of years before. The star stopped over Bethlehem just to mark the way for those who were looking for this special child

We can truly be happy at Christmas! No matter what may be happening, we can know that we are His children. We then become sons and daughters of God. Heaven will be our home one day.
Look at Christmas in a new way this year. This is the year to invite Jesus into your heart. You will then have a "Merry Christmas." The joy and peace you will receive will last all year as you look to God for all your needs to be met.
Jesus Is The Reason For The Season! Rejoice!

God Bless :)

Sunday, 16 December 2012

HAVE YOU EATEN??? (part 1)

Hey!!!,,,how're we all doing ?..'m sure you're all great!
I would love to talk about something so simple yet we still find it so complex to do.You know how we all sing the song "read your bible,pray everyday,pray everyday, pray everyday (2x) if you want to grow! and oh! how I loved that song so much, just singing it made me real happy but then how many times did I really pick up my bible to read except during sunday school.Now you can say "that is allowed, you were small then" but then even now HOW MUCH QUALITY TIME DO WE GIVE TO THE WORD?
You know last week I was talking to God and i told him can't i jhus pray and sing praises and worship you?...and then for that moment I wondered if I don't read the word then how do I pray to God effectively cuz we all know he honors his word and then if I don't read the word how do I even know how to effectively worship , how do I know more about who I'm singing praises to?
   The thing is we always say "we're spirit beings" but do we really act like one, you wake up, go to work or class, go to library, go to class, go to eat but when you finally return to your room in your night you start explaining to God how tired you are ,say a 5mins prayer and expect him to understand cuz he's a loving father, but trust me that's not the way it works, cuz after 1 week maximum you just see that you're not yourself, you start feeling wrong somewhere even though you don't know what it is yet and GUESS WHAT?...that's cuz You haven't really been eating for the past few days and day to day your spirit keeps getting weak cuz there's really NO FOOD THAT YOU'VE FED IT!
In the next post, we'll get talking about the importance of this food!

God Bless

Tuesday, 27 November 2012


Matt 14:30 " But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord save me"
Matt 14:31 " And immediately Jesus streched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O THOU OF LITTLE FAITH, WHEREFORE DIDST THOU DOUBT?"

I would like to share something so wonderful, I pray that as you read this your mind be conditioned by his word in Jesus name.
         So in these two sciptures written above I would like you to understand  some few things; Jesus was walking on water coming towards them and then Peter was like Jeus, if it's you tell me to come and Jesus called him forth and really he stepped out of the water to walk toward Jesus but then few steps and then he forgot to keep his gaze on Jesus and he looked away to the wind and damn, it was scary and he was scared and then FEAR stepped in, which is the opposite of FAITH and then DOUBT came after the fear and only that ingredient caused him  to lose his ability to walk on water (he lost conciousness of who was with him and starting focusing on what was happening around him) ... and then boy, he BEGAN TO SINK!!!
now >>>PAUSE, have we ever reached that point in our lives that we feel and we auctually know we're sinking?!...because that's exactly what was happening to Peter here.
now >>>PLAY, we now see that Peter cried out for Jesus help and immediately he streched forth his hand and raised him up and then he said something so striking...he told him "why didst thou doubt?"....for some of us today trust me, that's the question Jesus is asking you today,
         You see when you were in that desperate situation and then you asked him to help he called you to walk on water and whoo-oo! yes you did but just for a few moments and then you decided to change your gaze from him to the factors in your environment, and the moment you did that so many things happen, and then you're thinking God i thought you were helping me, now you've just left me and you've forgotten and he's like seriously you were doing so well before but my son, my daughter why did you doubt?

God Bless
ibksuper :)

Thursday, 13 September 2012

2 timothy 2:13

 Great is your mercy towards me, your loving kindness towards me, forever providing for me, your tender mercies i see day after day....forever faithful towards to me,always providing for me, great is your mercy, great is your grace!
hey so!...I was listening to this song and I kinda took time to reflect and I was like this God is really good oh!
In 2 Timothy 2:13 --> if we believe not (faithless) , yet he abideth faithful, he cannot deny himself.
You see, God is so faithful to his word that no matter what happens he always honors his word and brings it to pass!!!
This verse is really amazing in the sense that we understand that God keeps on being faithful even if we really don't do what he expects us to. He remains ever-faithful till the end

Isn't he just a wonderful father?!

God Bless.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Have you checked out *the mirror* lately?

So i saw this post on andrew wommack's wall, he said "We need to become as sure of our spiritual image as we        are of our physical image. Know who you are in Christ Jesus!" and i'm like "that's soo very true"
First of all, what's an image?
an image is a representation of a person....meaning your physical image is what you see.You know this quote really got me thinking because you know how it is that if you have a pimple on your face when you're looking at the mirror the next morning you're like woaw! and then you do what you can to get it off your face, or can you imagine someone coming up to you - a stranger and he's arguing with you that you're light in complexion not dark in complexion.would you seriously stop and take time out to argue aimlessly with the person or go your way?
    That's how sure we should be about our SPIRITUAL IMAGE, you know like how you always go to the mirror to check yourself out and then you're like "you're good to go!" well that should be the same situation everyday concerning your spiritual image, the word of God being our mirror, so we check it out daily to make sure there are no pimples or any unwanted *agent* on our face.
      You know as you read the word of God it lets you know more and more of who you are.So when all this *strangers* - sickness, fear, death try to disturb us or interfere with our business, you're even too busy facing what's ahead that you don't even notice them but people, when you're not sure of what you look like or who you even are, one teeny tiny thing can just come from nowhere and then try to question your identity, and while you're trying to check you make-up, and your lipgloss or if the powder has washed off and all,you begin to lose confidence in your real identity and with that, the other party suddenly has this power over you because really you don't know whho you really are.So take time out to check out the mirror - the word of God so you'll know where you truly stand. 

God Bless

Thursday, 6 September 2012


Colossians 3:13---> Forgive one another as Jesus also forgave you.
Many people help deceive themselves by re-defining forgiveness to be the control of hostile feelings instead of a merciful expression of love.Forgiveness is the only way not to be kidnapped by the past.It is the only way to give your relationships the blessing of fresh starts and new beginnings.
  When Peter suggested to Jesus that we should forgive seven times, he was correct (Mt 18:21). "Seven" in the bible stands for an indefinite number of times;so Peter was saying we should forgive indefinitely.This is the correct answer, but not the correct emphasis.Jesus proclaims we should forgive "seventy times seven" meaning "indefinitely times indefinitely" (matt. 18:22)
     You see it's not until someone kills your friend or betrays your trust that we start talking about forgiveness it starts from that person who mistakenly steps on your foot when you're looking all clean and good, it starts from when you're walking on the road rushing for a meeting and then one fast car just splashes water all over your fine outfit.
      I heard someone once say the bible said just *forgive* and it did not add *forget* ,so you can choose to forgive and not to forget, back then it caused a stir because no one really had anything to say about it but really let's discuss it you really want to forgive and not forget do you know by doing that you're putting yourself under unnecessary pain because ok, you *think* you've forgiven the person in your mind and then you keep on remembering the incident, my friend i tell you each time you keep remembering,the pain of the original incident keeps coming back but each time with even a greater force until you really can't take it anymore then you start blaming life and you'll start hating the person whether consciously or unconsciously. now tell me have you really forgiven that person?
     You'll discover your relationship with God will suffer from stagnancy because there's just no way you're going to go any further with an unforgiving heart like that.If you're really really hurt talk to God about it and he'll surely help you to recover...see forgiveness is not a process it's either you forgive the person or not, it's the *recovery phase* i'll say is a process and then it's you that decides whether you want that process to last a lifetime or a matter of days.
    Forgiveness is the only way to negotiate through the weakness and failure that will daily mark your relationships.I pray with this series of posts on forgiveness you'll understand how this is an important ingredient in our everyday lives.

God Bless

Wednesday, 5 September 2012


I pray that as you read this you get an astounding revelation of the word on forgiveness in Jesus name, now we discussed yesterday about some highlights on forgiveness.
What really is forgiveness?
I'll say forgiveness is an act of simply letting go of some things that'll rob you of the joy and peace you truly deserve.
Luke 6:27-28 :
"I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."
We can see from this verse that Jesus truly encourages us to love our enemies and who are your enemies?..those who do things to hurt you....he further says we should do GOOD to those who HATE you, also BLESS those who CURSE us and PRAY for those who MISTREAT you. did you notice something?...the word "forgive" is actually not spelt out here but it's obvious that that's what this verse is basically talking about because you can't possibly do good to those who hate you if truly and truly in your heart you're still holding out a grudge against them.some people may say "well the bible also said if your eye causes you to sin pluck/cut it off" so because i don't want trouble i simply cut off that person from my life"...buh from this verse we can see that it says DO GOOD and how on earth can you do good to somebody if you simply decide not to talk or even see that person.
    Well most people also say if i forgive him/her it's like i'm giving the person the right to do that to me again and again but i tell you no, no, no! you're not letting anyone take advantage of you you're just simply doing what you have to do because the word says so and that's the kind of life you chose to live when you accepted Jesus so if your mind tells you otherwise (contrary to the word of God) please don't concur.Yes, you may feel better for a while but trust me, that kind of hapiness does not last long.
   Instead of thinking this and thinking that, why don't you take time out of your day even if it's 5mins and pray for that person (knowing that the prayer of a righteous man avails much and your reward is surely great because you are simply obeying God's word) and trust me that peace you've always wanted whooo! will surely fill your entire being!

God Bless

Tuesday, 4 September 2012


"Stop forgiving people all the time.The more you forgive them, the more they'll take you for granted, don't let people walk all over you."
So this is the post i saw when scrolling through my news feed on facebook and 'm lyk seriously?! first i had to re-read it and then 'm lyk i have to write about it because most people think forgiveness is insignificant in relation to our spiritual growth buh really it's what hinders most people's relationship with God.
You know the funny part of this is that people feel that after all i didn't do anything bad, i was always good to him or her and look at what this person did to me and still you want me to forgive?!
  Really I've spoken with somebody and trust me it was a real tradegy in the person's life and after I heard the story I had to ask the holy spirit for the wisdom on the best way to answer the person buh really it all still boils down to forgiveness, you can't escape it in any form.
   One thing i'm so sure forgiveness does is that it brings true peace to you, and really why would yhu be sweating it out in pain and the other person doesn't even give a damn. most times it's harder to forgive when you know the other person is obviously aware of pain and refuses to even give a fake apology but seriously in times like this the best thing is jhust to forgive.
I'll post another talk tomorrow on the peace that forgiveness truly brings.
But for now know don't say you don't have it within you to forgive, remember there's no sin that can't be forgiven trust me.

God bless.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

a wonderful song


God Bless

Saturday, 1 September 2012


2 Thessalonians 3:13 --> "But as for you brethren, do not grow weary in doing good" you know i was thinking recently and the holy spirit ministered something to my spirit he was telling me about my blog and one of the things he said that really struck me he said "see, ibukun i want you to know that it's not about if anybody reads your posts or what people say about it, just keep doing what i've called you to do because that's what matters."
     and you know one thing, honestly it really touched me because yes I knew all this but him telling me wuz different and at that moment i realised something i'll like to tell us about, you know different situations played in my head you know how people are so nice to other people at after a point of time and they don't get any reference at all they become frustrated and even angry, cuz they feel "after all what i've done"....buh really i want to encourage someone, anyone here right naw that whatever you're involved in right naw, don't stop!..keep doing it, it may seem tiring or you think it's even unfruitful at this point in time but really keep doing it because there's a reason that that inspiration came up at that point in time and if you stop naw trust me you're robbing some people of their blessings.
    so if it's giving you do, keep giving, DON'T STOP, if it's helping your mates out with school work, keep helping out, DON'T STOP!..if it's talking to people, keep talking because trust me you don't know if it's what you said that day that the person needs to hear to keep living, if it's praying,keep praying DON'T STOP,if it's calling,keep calling, if it's visiting, keep visiting, if it's writing don't stop writing, you don't know who's going to read the next article or post and you're changing lives already!...DON'T STOP! DON'T STOP!! DON'T STOP!!!
   You know rounding up with my blog story (so you guyz will know i'm not just talking from a *she's not been there so wat's she saying* perspective)....when i opened my blog page today i wuz lyk woaw!..this place feels empty...and he jhust reassured me that really no matter what I can't stop, the main thing is whatever, whenever, I must keep writing cuz that's my own contribution to spreading this message on the internet for now.'m sure he's talking to you too now about that thing he doesn't want you to stop.

God Bless


New month, new experiences, new expectations.

Hello!!!!! 've really really missed you guys. First of all I would like to apologise for not been able to update this blog like I'm supposed to do. I'm sure my apologies are well accepted.thanks.
    So HAPPY NEW MONTH!!!! you know wat I wuz thinking of?!..yhu know how we all send each other new month messages and call one another and we post sturvs on facebook for the new month and all I wonder how many people really experience a new month as they are meant to.The general idea is new month okay that means we're drawing closer to christmas or new month at least there's something new in my life or new month I can finally get an increase in my salary but no really that's not what God wants us to think or fill our minds with, you know when a new month starts first of all declare all what you want in that month, don't think what you're saying doesn't matter cuz it auctually matters a whole lot because last month wasn't so rosy doesn't mean this month must turn out the same but it will if you just watch he days go by.
      Brethren, friends I implore you let's take great advantage of this month while it's still young let's shape it to the way we want it to look by saying what we want it to be ,don't set your expectations low just because you ddn't get what you wanted last month or don't look down on yourself just because you didn't attain that particular thing you wanted, don't even think of starting this month with a new kind of anger, STAND UP! and be ready like a real soldier of the gospel that you are and tell this month of September "oh I don't think you've seen this side of me before or even anything like this cuz I tell  you I'm going to be fruitful this month, oh this monh of september I tell you you're going to do jhust as I say and at the end of the day 'm not going to regret a single day of month because I tell you it's going to be the best month in this year so far and trust me I'm not being braggadocious so you can go and tell the monh of October to beware! Cuz 'm ready!

Hope you've done that!
God bless
I love you all so much!

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

how have you been building your faith??

Jude 20 says "but you,beloved building yourselves up on your most holy faith,praying in the Holy Spirit"

from this verse we can see something and that is the importance of praying in the holy spirit - speaking in tongues. Now you may ask that "how do you know praying in the holy spirit is speaking in tongues?"...well, the answer is in romans 8 :26 "...for we do not know what we should pray for as we ought but the holy spirit himself himself makes intercession for us WITH GROANING WHICH CANNOT BE UTTERED"

 now that we know the answer to that question, some people ask when will I know when to speak in tongues?
One thing we should know from the verse above is that praying with the spirit is the best kind of prayer you can prayer without going off-point or being when you start praying as the spirit leads you pray in the spirit.You know i have spoken to some people who say i don't like speaking in tongues when i start praying because aftre a while i won't know what to say again.but my friend, lemme remind you once again that it is the spirit that gives you utterance meaning it encompasses your understanding.

Also some people when they just start praying in the spirit they think they're saying rubbish because it may be the same thing buh brethen, keep spaeking it!,,,,because that's the only way you can push off that thought telling you to shut up, that you don't know what you are saying.

I would really like to encourage to pray in the spirit as much as we are supposed to, some people even think because they've been speaking in tongues for years then they just pray when they want to, or speak in tongues for just for a little time. but really, we know we can't go weary of praying in the holy spirit because it's the best way as far as you still pray as a christain

Now also some people feel it's not yet their time to start speaking in tongues buh i don't support that idea because as soon as you become his and you accept the spirit, when you pray the holy spirit automatically takes over some times it takes laying of hands or praying for but when I started speaking in tongues i didn't even know because i was listeming to a song by donnie mcclurkin - holy.


God Bless.
ibksuper :)

Friday, 27 July 2012


Just in case you're wondering bibeli mimo means ---> holy bible. ;) You know, when i saw this picture I laughed. you know why?...because I remember before, not too long ago whenever I see people highlighting or underling their bibles I'll always think "ah, this people want to spoil their bible, don't they respect God?, don't they know their bible won't be neat or fine again?' and i was really taking it *P* for God oh!...infact my bible cannot drop to the ground, ehn?...that person is in BIG SOUP!
      But when he opened my eyes I was like WAOW! know the funny thing if I used to study the word then, I can probably be excused for all my drama, buh no o!..but I was good at memorizing bible verses though *wink .... one day I watched someone do exactly what I used to do(the whole drama thing) and then the Holy spirit was explaining how some people value the physical nature of the bible than what's in it. you'll see them buying 5,000 naira bible and they'll just stock it on the shelf then on sunday they have different bible covers to match their outfit. and is that how it's supposed to be?? NO!
    when I started fellowshipping and studying nobody gave me a permission slip before I picked an highlighter and start outlining some crazy truths I just saw!...and it was awesome, I thought i would have felt at least a twinge of guilt, but guilt doesn't even have the space to exercise itself when you are into the word.
God Bless.
ibksuper :)

Monday, 23 July 2012

Jamie Grace - not alone

hi everyone so 'm not going to talk much today but i'll really love it if you watch this video by jamie grace and it's titled not alone.THE LINK IS ABOVE, JUST CLICK! You know when i first listened to this song a lot came to my mind because i've met few people both in school and outside school, some friends some just acquitances and hearing their stories is so touching.While i was listening to this song i prayed in my heart that they also get to hear this song and not only do they hear it but it also ministers to them.
     No matter the situation or circumstance you're in, my friend I assure you that they're not greater than his name. Keep trusting him as he continually supplies strength for each day! God loves you, your circumstance may not say so but that's what his word says so believe in that!
just in case you didn't see the one above, THIS IS THE LINK --->

God bless.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Is your mouth saying something and your heart saying otherwise?

Hi kings and queens reading this right (that's how they greet us in our school).So i was listening to this song ROOFTOPS by Jesus culture and it ministered so much to me.The song was simply a song of **open and true surrender** know while listening to the song I got to understand some things.
     You see what most people don't yet understand is that "ye are bought with a price" and that scripture means God has already bought you, every part and aspect of you, if he didn't have enough supplies to groom you and provide for all your needs he wouldn't buy you in the first place but most people even after they become christains still take this responsibility on their heads, struggling and striving with their own strength and it cannot just work that way.
     A christain saying "The Lord is my shepherd,i shall not want" but you still see that same person in the night with a frustrated heart thinking of how he's going to eat the next morning, and he(God) sees all this and just shakes his head.why? because he's in charge of you and he knows and then he's wondering why you're still racking your brains on how to live. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding"...that verse sounds familiar right?...right now the reason why you're not where you're supposed to be is because YOU JUST WANT TO DO IT ALL BY YOURSELF!...see, that's why he has supplied his grace and strength and anything you need... in abundance sef!..or are you afraid of finishing everything from him thinking you've collected too much already, but NO!...he's saying COME AND COME AND COME, I WILL ALWAYS HAVE MORE!
       Why don't you open your heart to him right naw, I know you're a christain but see ehn - only me knows! because people around you can't see the manifestations of God in your life,(and that's not right), it's just like the villagers seeing the son of a king dressing just like them and then they're wondering "or is he not his son?" He's telling you now give me everything, your all, don't remove the bad part and give me the good part,he's saying stop killing your self everyday of guilt and then in church they're calling you "Brother,,,or sister" and then you smile but really that smile has been erased from your heart a long time ago.NO, DON'T DO THAT!...he's saying give me all of you just as you are and see how i'll fill you up like never before.

God Bless.
ibksuper :)

Friday, 20 July 2012

Have you activated your security yet?

Lol...right? must be wondering what the topic is about but let me tell you what he just explained to me naw....yhu know Romans 10:17 says "so then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God"
     it's funny how everytime( before now) I read this verse i always skip out *BY* and that totally changed the meaning. this verse really explains to us the importance of what we hear as christians.most times we say *it's just a song, i just like* or *I just like hearing gist* or even *i'm just hearing, it's not like 'm going to do it* but you know what, it's deeper than that!...we should constantly be in a state that whatever we hear should conform to what the word of God says about the situation. imagine the word of God as a security check point in your ears that whatever wants to go through your ears must be able to pass through the checkpoint if not send it right back!'s time for you to stop wallowing in self-pity and saying "God, you know I want to have more faith but see i just lost my job, my father is sick and my sister needs money"....see, who told you, you lost your job?...just because a mere man said so, well i'm sorry but that's not what the word says, because a doctor said your father will die because it's a chronical disease, is that what the word of God tells you, did the word of God say you will beg for your family members to eat?..NO WAY!
    I really want us to really place the word of God as the security now, than later when after you've finished crying and feeling you're going to die because you think you're alone you'll now remember that "eh! but during my devotion today my bible told me this and that"...let these foreign materials be stopped as soon as they want to enter our ears, don't even give them an entrance! we do this our faith *comes* and *comes*-i.e increases!
Have you activated your security yet?...PLEASE DO!

God bless

Thursday, 19 July 2012

What measure have accepting the word?

Mark 4:20 " but these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the word. ACCEPT IT, and BEAR FRUIT: some thirty-fold, some sixty, and some a hundred."
      You see from this verse you discover that there are levels and there are levels.before this verse, you'll see that Jesus also gave reference to some seeds that were sown , the difference between this example and the others is that this set of people NOT ONLY HEARD IT BUT ACCEPTED IT. And accepting it means taking it until it becomes a part of you, until it carves a niche in your heart!
       Now lets go deeper---> Yes you heard the word , yes you've accepted the word, yes you think you've borne fruits but from this verse you discover that not all bear fruits as they ought to. The maximum is a hundred fold but some stop at thirty thinking "Yes! I've had enough" , some also stop at sixtyfold thinking "at least my fruits are more than that guy " while some get the whole HUNDREDFOLD!- which is the harvest planned for us! But how many really get it?
       From mark 4:24 " take heed what you hear, with the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given" We can see that Jesus is telling us here that the same measure you use to accept the word, God will give you your respective fruits! And those that even hear and hear more fruits will be given to if you hear the word and just say it's not for me yet, well it really won't be for you yet! If you hear the word and think okay let me use if for the head-ache I have but it can't work for the cancer my father has, well so be it! Your head-ache will really go and your father will be left with cancer but if you take the word as it is and use it in your on-going life situation or problem whether it be failure, sickness, promotion, unemployment then I promise you the word will prevail ! So don't just stop when you get a thirtyfold keep hearing and accepting until it increases and increases to a hundred fold!

 God bless.
 Ibksuper :)

Wednesday, 18 July 2012


You see most times even with the knowledge that as christains luck is prohibited. Most people still strongly believe in the word LUCK. I was checking through my facebook page today and then I saw this picture, and I was like "Exactly!" beause really Exactly!.
     what exactly does luck mean? luck means ---> "good fortune; advantage or success, considered as the RESULT OF CHANCE"
     Now we all know we don't operate by chance, we don't wait for things to happen and then we're like "oh! so this thing can happen sef". We know from the bible that when we decree a thing it is established and due to the fact that we have the spirit of truth that reveals to us things to come. Therefore, we don't live by chance NO!, we don't take things as they come , NO! we SEE want we want to LIVE!...why do you think our lifestyle is different from others?
     I remember how people always say Good luck to other before the exam and i used to do the same before i came to the realization and then one day i asked myself really?...good luck? instead i say Success, then one day one of my coursemates told me hey ibk, good luck!...and then i pondered for 1 second should i accept it or should i just explain it to this guy, and i went with the latter ,after I finished explaining it even if the guy did not fully understand due to the pressure of the exam that was some minutes away I'm sure he'll never say "Good luck"..really you pray before you leave the halll ,you pray when you get to the exam centre, you pray when you sit down, you pray when they give you your paper (lol,but it's true!) and then all you can think of is Good luck! nah - I don't agree. it's better you don't say anything to me if it's that.
    This picture explains to you why it's not LUCK - whether good or's simply HIS FAVOUR-that's my shield!!!

God Bless.
ibksuper :)

PSALM 23:6

      "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord

WOAW!...if you just read what i read i hoped your reaction was like mine.You know we just usually say psalm 23 auctually we do not say so say is cancelled we rant it and rant it on until we get to forever and ever Amen.then we *sigh. You see by just reading verse 6 we see some important points.

     Now "surely" means definitely, definitely against all odds. "goodness and mercy" we all understand what that is, "shall" means come what may , "follow" means goodness and mercy will be attracted to you like a magnet, they will be right behind you, "i will dwell" meaning i will live, i will stay, i will sleep in the house of the Lord.The house of the lord means God is in charge of the house, the security is in his hand, the food provided, the clothing, what you need to be comfortable at all times is provided. so you don't need to be scared of uncertaintanities.why? because you are DWELLING - CURRENTLY LIVING in his house., "forever" - we all know what forever is, it means from now till ever!

HALLELUYAH SOMEBODY - that's if your spirit has been able to successful transmit the information to your mind (your concious being)      

God Bless

Monday, 16 July 2012

What is this gospel sef??

Okay so last week I was reading the book of Romans 1 and in verse 16 the holy spirit explained some things to me most of us would neglect.
                   Rm. 1:16 " for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jews first and also for the Greek"
      Now some Christians say they are preaching the gospel but what is the gospel? Firstly gospel means good news. Now that we know that,we know that anything that is not "good news" is not the gospel.let me explain that, the gospel (GOOD NEWS) of Christ is what attracts unbelievers because it is the "POWER" of God to once unbelievers believe they are wonder why just saying some things the pastor tells you to say makes you a Christian? It's because when you hear this gospel, it convicts you due to its power ,then when you believe this "good news" in your heart you are saved because this "good news" is the power ( NOTE - not "has" the power, but "is" the power" )to make you saved once you believe.Therefore "BELIEVING" IS THE KEY THAT UNLOCKS THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION WHICH IS THE GOOD NEWS - THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST!!!
 God bless.
 Ibksuper :)

Sunday, 8 July 2012

The Power Of Confession.

So recently I got to discover the power of the words we say, you see as children of God we have been given the authority to cast out and to implant. ( he has given us authority over principalities and powers) . Therefore YOUR words make you or mar you. If you notice I highlighted "YOUR" why? Because most times people like to place their problems on pple for instance " ah, it is that man or woman that cursed me some years ago o" . See let me tell you something no man or woman can curse your destiny only you can! Let us speak life into our lives and into the lives around us. For instance I case you're feeling weak speak it out " by his stripes I am healed " If you're feeling confused " I have the mind of Christ " Before going for your exam " I am more than a conqueror through Christ who loves me " In case of financial situation " the lord shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory" ......... And so many more!!! See the word of God is QUICK AND POWERFUL!!! Use it, speak it , breathe it, think it!!!!! GLORY SOMEBODY! HALLELUJAH! GOD BLESS! :) So ask yourself "WHAT WORDS HAVE I SPOKEN TODAY? "

Sunday, 17 June 2012


Meditate On
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7
Experience Jesus’ Robust Peace
Peace is not the absence of trouble in your life. It is possible to be in the midst of the biggest crisis in your life and still experience peace. That’s the true kind of peace that Jesus gives—peace that surpasses all understanding. Naturally speaking, it does not make sense for you to feel completely at rest and at peace in the middle of a clearly stressful situation, but supernaturally, you can be filled with His peace!
The world defines peace based on what is happening in the sensory realm. Its notion of peace would look something like this: A man lying in a hammock on a white sandy beach with waves rolling languidly along the shoreline. It calls that peace—until reality kicks in!
Beloved, you cannot use your external surroundings to permanently influence the turmoil that you are feeling inside. Only Jesus can touch what you are feeling inside and turn that turmoil into His peace. It’s not the other way round. With Jesus, transformation is always from inside out and not outside in. So when you turn your cares into prayers and seek His presence and favor, He puts a peace and rest in your heart that is robust and secure. You will find yourself able to face any challenge without worry or stress, regardless of your circumstances and environment!

Joseph Prince

this is an article from daily devotional from Joseph Prince. I pray it transforms you just as how it did to me.
God Bless.x 

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

lead me to the cross.

You know i was listening to this song by brooke fraser and i realised something most times we forget how this whole **perfect christian life** (i.e rightoeusness) came about, it was because of Jesus , it was because of the exchange that happened at the cross where he traded his righteousness for our sins , where he traded our poverty for his riches, where he traded our pain and sorrow for his joy , where he traded our hate for his love, and then he said ""it is finished"" ALL THIS AT THE CROSS.

    We should take time sometimes and remember the exchange at the cross and drop all our self-centerdness in this christian race and get rid of ourselves and personal wants (phil. 2:4)for us to fully fanthom and enjoy all what happened on the cross for us to be in his heart to be his **sons** and not just his children.

PS ---> take time to medidate at his work on the cross for us.(just behold it) and trust me you'll definitely be transformed! :)

Monday, 21 May 2012


medidate - in greek "hagah"" - in hebrew "meletao" -to mutter
                                                - attend to carefully

this week i'll love us to medidate on God's word like never before. what do i mean by that?..i mean i want you to think deeply-ponder upon-imagine deep on God's word.
don't just read it and say okay i know this part!...why don't you settle down and put yourself in the scriptures and apply the word to that area or situation and i assure you that you'll be telling a different story within one week in Jesus name. we see that in 1 timothy 4:15-16 Joshua 1:8 the key word is to medidate on the word and you shall make your way prosperous and you will have good success.the scriptures cannot posssibly lie!!! why don't you just take this week and conciously meditate on some convictions from the word.You can medidate while walking, or less busy, you don't have to sit down in a quiet place to medidate, just turn off from your surroundings and focus your thought on Jesus and you will experience a turnaround.

Friday, 11 May 2012


ok so recently God has been explaining so many things about his love for us.

First of all, God's love has been made perfected in us as believers, that means because we received Jesus, his love has been made perfect in us (i.e there's no more love to add or adjust because the love is perfect)

Secondly, we CANNOT fear. why??...we lost the ability to fear when we started abiding in it's not like you fear sometimes, while sometimes you don't . NO!!! can't fear at all..can a cat sing??
lyk seriously ryt! itz jhus lyk dat also when relating fear to our lives. Perfect love casts out fear and because we have this perfect love, everytime fear is trying to show face, his perfect love casts it out (NB - CASTS is a continous tense) also TO CAST OUT means to send out with power and authority!
that's what God's love does for us, so we cannot have have fear of the future or fear of security or fear of friends....

Sunday, 25 March 2012


ok so, today 'm just going to write a list of songs I think you should listen to, you can check them out on youtube---->
the more i seek you - kari jobe
you're not alone - meredith andrews
hold me - kari jobe
tonight - flame
wrapped - gloria estefan
don't worry now - britt nicole
when she cries - britt nicole
so into you - j.moss
praise on the inside
.....'ll add the rest later.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012


ok so, I wuz listening to a man of God some weeks ago and I realized a lot of thingz...firstly,most of us still don't realize the gravity of the fact that Jesus has wiped away our every sin and he's still wiping them off as we do these thingz we find ourselves doing.what most of us don't realize is that when Jesus died on the cross he died as everyone of us, with our problems, sorrows, sins and every negative thing you can ever think therfore we need to work in that conciousness.
   when you commit a sin you don't just make yourself feel guilty bout it for a day den later when you feel yhu've punished yourself you'll now pray, buh dat's not how it's supposed to be..itz a relationship which every sin yhu commit yhu can ever commit has already been forgiven and paid for so just FLEX IN HIS
  Christ is you, when you sin and ask God for forgiveness he doesn't look at all your sins or all the good things you've been doing in his kingdom he looks to his right side and sees his son JESUS CHRIST and then sees his son as you and then smiles :)
   so QUIT killing yourself silently when you do things you don't expect yourself to do, just key into HIS GRACE because **when we are weak, then we are strong**!!! HALLELUYAH!

Friday, 24 February 2012

GRACE UN-defined!!!

So...for some time 'm going to be talking about something God has been revealing and explaining to me recently which is ----GRACE!
   This is a poem i just wrote though it's a bit long it's the best way I can tell you right now what God wants you to know about grace,

I search deeply within my heart,
I look around and wander,
helpless and hopeless,
hoping to find something that can save me,
until he whispered a word to my spirit,
it cannot be explained in sentences,
neither can it be expressed in words,
I gaze at my life,
I look at the wonders he has performed,
then I think to myself, "could this have been me"?
but I know deep within me it couldn't have been,
I couldn't have done all this on my own,
I look at my before-the-picture stage and i shake my head dissapointed,
all of a sudden he reminds me of what I am in him showing me another picture,
and I am deeply amazed,
then I ask him, how is this possible?
he takes my hand,
carries me up so swiftly,
without me lifting my legs he puts me on his shoulders,
and supports me with his strong arms,
and tells me,
all of a sudden i can hear something else,
telling me "try harder, maybe you can do it",
but he tells me"do not listen to that voice", that is the voice of deception,
"as i have carried you with such ease,
so will i transform you,
little by little,
from glory to glory,
to my image,
by my spirit,
so don't fret,
don't you worry,
infact don't even think of **trying** at all,
because it is I, who formed you,
who led you to the place where you are now,
I can't leave you, NO!
I'm always with you,
put all your trust in me,
and I will help you,
I will strengthen you,
because my daughter,
you have my GRACE already,
just **receive** it,
I have given it all to you,
it'll help you through that weakness you have now,
that addiction,

that feeling of lonliness,
that hurt that you feel can't be healed,
that pain you think that stop,
that feeling of rejection,
that evil tendency in you,
i'll help you through it,
by my GRACE"!


NO ONE......

So i was listening to "cece winans - no one" today and i realized something most times some of us think no one can ever ever understand us, no one can ever love us, no one can ever understand the way we think or why we do the things we end up doing.You have to know something there's a someone right there ,,,guess who?? >>>JESUS.
     Most times when we face life-threatening situations, we say no one can understand but listening to Cece's song today i realized something .Whenever you think there's no one around just stop thinking any negative thought, calm down and look at your life you'll realize that every step you took thinking there was no one ,there was always someone and that someone is right there, right now besides you waiting for you to realize he's the someone you need.
   please don't let it be too late........Remember,