Thursday, 24 April 2014


The thought of it all,
of life and its experiences,
is truly overwhelming,

To think of what the next day holds,
talkless of what the next year brings,
is truly overwhelming,

To think of all your dreams and goals,
of whether or when they'll come to pass,
is truly overwhelming,

To think of the relationships that'll last,
or the ones that'll fade away,
is truly overwhelming,

To think of whether you're going in the right direction,
st the perfect pace,
is truly overwhelming,

To think of lost opportunities and wonder when or if
 another will come your way,
is truly overwhemling,

To think of whether you're making the right investments,
or not,
is truly overwhelming,

but to the Lord alone,
I look up to,
to Him I submit all of my thoughts,
to Him I surrender.

Please listen to this song, after you read this; GOD I LOOK TO YOU - BETHEL LIVE.
Click here for the link -->