Friday, 11 January 2013


Wonderful afternoon i must say!...hope your week has been nothing less than great!
You know recently I've kinda discovered one thing that draws us farther away from our inheritance...
        IDENTITY CRISIS can be defined as " distress and disorientation (especially in adolescence) resulting from uncertainty about one's self, a result of conflicting internal and external experiences, pressures, and expectations and often producing acute anxiety. " You read through the scriptures and aren't you sometimes so amazed(if not everytime) at the truth the word contains.Last week while fellowshiping i told God something,I said i'm going to take the word just as it is. you know most times even though we think we believe, we try to modify what the word says because we're too scared to let our hearts believe something and then no change occurs. and you know that's why nothing ever works out, you cannnot just decide to believe something "halfly"- in order not to get dissapointed and then expect that thing to come through.
    A king cannot act like a slave and except people to treat him like a king, that's exactly what happens nowadays, we christian have lost our identity that we are the SONS OF THE MOST HIGH. in John 1:13 we understand that we're born not of the blood, nor of will of flesh, nor the will of man but WE ARE BORN OF GOD! you know what that means? rom. 8:37 we also understand that we are more than conquerors through Christ!...also in rom 8:32 we understand that we have the card to get all we want - the love of God. so why don't we SNAP OUT OF SELF-PITY and think like we ought to, speak like we ought to and act like we ought to!
      Imagine a scenario where you have to wear an identity card to enter a building and you really didn't mean to ,but you forgot to put it on that day....Well sorry, you'll just not be allowed to enter the building...and how painful that will be! Well, that's exactly what happens when we forget who we truly are, life plays games with you and there's nothing you can do about it.Someone once said "life doesn't give you what you wish for, but what you demand" ...but remember a slave can't demand for anything so GET YOUR IDENTITY RIGHT AND WALK AROUND KNOWING WHO YOU ARE AND NOTHING LESS!

God Bless

misty edwards - arms open wide

SO this is the link of a video regarding the last posts, as you listen closely to the lyrics i pray the song ministers to you ,
Please ENJOY!!!

God Bless
ibksuper :)

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Just a little thought.....

I'm sure you've been having a great time so far in this wonderful year!
So you know I watched a movie yesterday and it really got me thinking and asking some questions.
why do humans even have feelings at all?
why do humans act on their feelings even when they don't want to?
why do humans say "i love you" all around and yet show little of it?
why do some people just derive joy from seeing other people suffer?
why do humans have to display a little act of madness when angry before realizing they should have acted better?
why do humans block out others when they feel cheated?
why do people keep all these hurt, pain, sadness inside and put up a "perfect" face on the outside?

You know sometimes you're forced to wonder why is there so much religion and yet so little love?
Every single day, People  are going far and far away from the true meaning of love, LOVE is now been defined by just some people's experiences, their feelings, and understanding gathered from books....and yet we still ask one another why there is no love....see, THERE CAN'T BE ANY GOD IF THERE'S NO GOD! don't tell me not to bring in any spiritual aspect into this because really that's the answer to all of these questions...GET TO KNOW GOD AND YOU GET TO KNOW LOVE!
I pray our understanding be enlightened.

God Bless.
ibksuper :)

Saturday, 5 January 2013

you have his YES!!!

So you know i was just reading 2 cor.1from verse 17 to 22 and you see i like what paul said....
lemme tell you what i got from that simple passsage.
    Firstly,he said something he said "when i was planning,did I do it lightly?" I would like to ask a question now..IN YOUR PLAN FOR 2013 DID YOU DO IT LIGHTLY?
  secondly, he also said something that struck me, he said "did i plan according to the flesh that with me there should be YES, YES and NO , NO?" see from this verse we understand that planning good also involves not planning according to your strengths or what you think you can do (the flesh)...buh instead you plan according to his see most times we auctually think we're not relying on our flesh to do the work, but beloved, it's a conciousness we have to move with, see this flesh can do NOTHING!...that's why Paul didn't even bother relying on it at all after all, it was that same flesh that the thorn got to and that explains that the flesh is LIMITLESS!
  Now, to the sweetest part, he said "For the son of God, Jesus Christ......WAS NOT yes and no, but in him was YES.For ALL the promises of God in him are yes, and in him Amen, to the glory of God through us...that means to say what?...that everything that God has promised you is certainly coming to pass no matter what or no matter how long because it's a YES!!!...and AMEN!!!
   So my friend, don't give up because in this year 2013, sudden changes will begin to spring forth from all sides that will cause your joy to be unending but WAIT!...ARE YOU READY?(did you plan well,lightly or not at all)...WHAT IS YOUR PLAN BASED ON?....WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE? (a yes, a yes or a no or a no?)

God Bless you!
ibksuper :)