Great is your mercy towards me, your loving kindness towards me, forever providing for me, your tender mercies i see day after day....forever faithful towards to me,always providing for me, great is your mercy, great is your grace!
hey so!...I was listening to this song and I kinda took time to reflect and I was like this God is really good oh!
In 2 Timothy 2:13 --> if we believe not (faithless) , yet he abideth faithful, he cannot deny himself.
You see, God is so faithful to his word that no matter what happens he always honors his word and brings it to pass!!!
This verse is really amazing in the sense that we understand that God keeps on being faithful even if we really don't do what he expects us to. He remains ever-faithful till the end
Isn't he just a wonderful father?!
God Bless.
This blog is created mainly to share with individuals my walk with God and anybody is free to tell us bout theirs too.
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Have you checked out *the mirror* lately?
So i saw this post on andrew wommack's wall, he said "We need to become as sure of our spiritual image as we are of our physical image. Know who you are in Christ Jesus!" and i'm like "that's soo very true"
an image is a representation of a person....meaning your physical image is what you see.You know this quote really got me thinking because you know how it is that if you have a pimple on your face when you're looking at the mirror the next morning you're like woaw! and then you do what you can to get it off your face, or can you imagine someone coming up to you - a stranger and he's arguing with you that you're light in complexion not dark in complexion.would you seriously stop and take time out to argue aimlessly with the person or go your way?
That's how sure we should be about our SPIRITUAL IMAGE, you know like how you always go to the mirror to check yourself out and then you're like "you're good to go!" well that should be the same situation everyday concerning your spiritual image, the word of God being our mirror, so we check it out daily to make sure there are no pimples or any unwanted *agent* on our face.
You know as you read the word of God it lets you know more and more of who you are.So when all this *strangers* - sickness, fear, death try to disturb us or interfere with our business, you're even too busy facing what's ahead that you don't even notice them but people, when you're not sure of what you look like or who you even are, one teeny tiny thing can just come from nowhere and then try to question your identity, and while you're trying to check you make-up, and your lipgloss or if the powder has washed off and all,you begin to lose confidence in your real identity and with that, the other party suddenly has this power over you because really you don't know whho you really are.So take time out to check out the mirror - the word of God so you'll know where you truly stand.
God Bless
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Many people help deceive themselves by re-defining forgiveness to be the control of hostile feelings instead of a merciful expression of love.Forgiveness is the only way not to be kidnapped by the past.It is the only way to give your relationships the blessing of fresh starts and new beginnings.
When Peter suggested to Jesus that we should forgive seven times, he was correct (Mt 18:21). "Seven" in the bible stands for an indefinite number of times;so Peter was saying we should forgive indefinitely.This is the correct answer, but not the correct emphasis.Jesus proclaims we should forgive "seventy times seven" meaning "indefinitely times indefinitely" (matt. 18:22)
You see it's not until someone kills your friend or betrays your trust that we start talking about forgiveness it starts from that person who mistakenly steps on your foot when you're looking all clean and good, it starts from when you're walking on the road rushing for a meeting and then one fast car just splashes water all over your fine outfit.
I heard someone once say the bible said just *forgive* and it did not add *forget* ,so you can choose to forgive and not to forget, back then it caused a stir because no one really had anything to say about it but really let's discuss it you really want to forgive and not forget do you know by doing that you're putting yourself under unnecessary pain because ok, you *think* you've forgiven the person in your mind and then you keep on remembering the incident, my friend i tell you each time you keep remembering,the pain of the original incident keeps coming back but each time with even a greater force until you really can't take it anymore then you start blaming life and you'll start hating the person whether consciously or unconsciously. now tell me have you really forgiven that person?
You'll discover your relationship with God will suffer from stagnancy because there's just no way you're going to go any further with an unforgiving heart like that.If you're really really hurt talk to God about it and he'll surely help you to recover...see forgiveness is not a process it's either you forgive the person or not, it's the *recovery phase* i'll say is a process and then it's you that decides whether you want that process to last a lifetime or a matter of days.
Forgiveness is the only way to negotiate through the weakness and failure that will daily mark your relationships.I pray with this series of posts on forgiveness you'll understand how this is an important ingredient in our everyday lives.
God Bless
When Peter suggested to Jesus that we should forgive seven times, he was correct (Mt 18:21). "Seven" in the bible stands for an indefinite number of times;so Peter was saying we should forgive indefinitely.This is the correct answer, but not the correct emphasis.Jesus proclaims we should forgive "seventy times seven" meaning "indefinitely times indefinitely" (matt. 18:22)
You see it's not until someone kills your friend or betrays your trust that we start talking about forgiveness it starts from that person who mistakenly steps on your foot when you're looking all clean and good, it starts from when you're walking on the road rushing for a meeting and then one fast car just splashes water all over your fine outfit.
I heard someone once say the bible said just *forgive* and it did not add *forget* ,so you can choose to forgive and not to forget, back then it caused a stir because no one really had anything to say about it but really let's discuss it you really want to forgive and not forget do you know by doing that you're putting yourself under unnecessary pain because ok, you *think* you've forgiven the person in your mind and then you keep on remembering the incident, my friend i tell you each time you keep remembering,the pain of the original incident keeps coming back but each time with even a greater force until you really can't take it anymore then you start blaming life and you'll start hating the person whether consciously or unconsciously. now tell me have you really forgiven that person?
You'll discover your relationship with God will suffer from stagnancy because there's just no way you're going to go any further with an unforgiving heart like that.If you're really really hurt talk to God about it and he'll surely help you to recover...see forgiveness is not a process it's either you forgive the person or not, it's the *recovery phase* i'll say is a process and then it's you that decides whether you want that process to last a lifetime or a matter of days.
Forgiveness is the only way to negotiate through the weakness and failure that will daily mark your relationships.I pray with this series of posts on forgiveness you'll understand how this is an important ingredient in our everyday lives.
God Bless
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
I pray that as you read this you get an astounding revelation of the word on forgiveness in Jesus name, now we discussed yesterday about some highlights on forgiveness.
What really is forgiveness?
I'll say forgiveness is an act of simply letting go of some things that'll rob you of the joy and peace you truly deserve.
What really is forgiveness?
I'll say forgiveness is an act of simply letting go of some things that'll rob you of the joy and peace you truly deserve.
Luke 6:27-28 :
"I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."
We can see from this verse that Jesus truly encourages us to love our enemies and who are your enemies?..those who do things to hurt you....he further says we should do GOOD to those who HATE you, also BLESS those who CURSE us and PRAY for those who MISTREAT you. did you notice something?...the word "forgive" is actually not spelt out here but it's obvious that that's what this verse is basically talking about because you can't possibly do good to those who hate you if truly and truly in your heart you're still holding out a grudge against them.some people may say "well the bible also said if your eye causes you to sin pluck/cut it off" so because i don't want trouble i simply cut off that person from my life"...buh from this verse we can see that it says DO GOOD and how on earth can you do good to somebody if you simply decide not to talk or even see that person.
Well most people also say if i forgive him/her it's like i'm giving the person the right to do that to me again and again but i tell you no, no, no! you're not letting anyone take advantage of you you're just simply doing what you have to do because the word says so and that's the kind of life you chose to live when you accepted Jesus so if your mind tells you otherwise (contrary to the word of God) please don't concur.Yes, you may feel better for a while but trust me, that kind of hapiness does not last long.
Instead of thinking this and thinking that, why don't you take time out of your day even if it's 5mins and pray for that person (knowing that the prayer of a righteous man avails much and your reward is surely great because you are simply obeying God's word) and trust me that peace you've always wanted whooo! will surely fill your entire being!
God Bless
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
"Stop forgiving people all the time.The more you forgive them, the more they'll take you for granted, don't let people walk all over you."
So this is the post i saw when scrolling through my news feed on facebook and 'm lyk seriously?! first i had to re-read it and then 'm lyk i have to write about it because most people think forgiveness is insignificant in relation to our spiritual growth buh really it's what hinders most people's relationship with God.
You know the funny part of this is that people feel that after all i didn't do anything bad, i was always good to him or her and look at what this person did to me and still you want me to forgive?!
Really I've spoken with somebody and trust me it was a real tradegy in the person's life and after I heard the story I had to ask the holy spirit for the wisdom on the best way to answer the person buh really it all still boils down to forgiveness, you can't escape it in any form.
One thing i'm so sure forgiveness does is that it brings true peace to you, and really why would yhu be sweating it out in pain and the other person doesn't even give a damn. most times it's harder to forgive when you know the other person is obviously aware of pain and refuses to even give a fake apology but seriously in times like this the best thing is jhust to forgive.
I'll post another talk tomorrow on the peace that forgiveness truly brings.
But for now know don't say you don't have it within you to forgive, remember there's no sin that can't be forgiven trust me.
God bless.
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Saturday, 1 September 2012
2 Thessalonians 3:13 --> "But as for you brethren, do not grow weary in doing good" you know i was thinking recently and the holy spirit ministered something to my spirit he was telling me about my blog and one of the things he said that really struck me he said "see, ibukun i want you to know that it's not about if anybody reads your posts or what people say about it, just keep doing what i've called you to do because that's what matters."
and you know one thing, honestly it really touched me because yes I knew all this but him telling me wuz different and at that moment i realised something i'll like to tell us about, you know different situations played in my head you know how people are so nice to other people at after a point of time and they don't get any reference at all they become frustrated and even angry, cuz they feel "after all what i've done"....buh really i want to encourage someone, anyone here right naw that whatever you're involved in right naw, don't stop!..keep doing it, it may seem tiring or you think it's even unfruitful at this point in time but really keep doing it because there's a reason that that inspiration came up at that point in time and if you stop naw trust me you're robbing some people of their blessings.
so if it's giving you do, keep giving, DON'T STOP, if it's helping your mates out with school work, keep helping out, DON'T STOP!..if it's talking to people, keep talking because trust me you don't know if it's what you said that day that the person needs to hear to keep living, if it's praying,keep praying DON'T STOP,if it's calling,keep calling, if it's visiting, keep visiting, if it's writing don't stop writing, you don't know who's going to read the next article or post and you're changing lives already!...DON'T STOP! DON'T STOP!! DON'T STOP!!!
You know rounding up with my blog story (so you guyz will know i'm not just talking from a *she's not been there so wat's she saying* perspective)....when i opened my blog page today i wuz lyk woaw!..this place feels empty...and he jhust reassured me that really no matter what I can't stop, the main thing is whatever, whenever, I must keep writing cuz that's my own contribution to spreading this message on the internet for now.'m sure he's talking to you too now about that thing he doesn't want you to stop.
God Bless
ibksuper. you know i was thinking recently and the holy spirit ministered something to my spirit he was telling me about my blog and one of the things he said that really struck me he said "see, ibukun i want you to know that it's not about if anybody reads your posts or what people say about it, just keep doing what i've called you to do because that's what matters."
and you know one thing, honestly it really touched me because yes I knew all this but him telling me wuz different and at that moment i realised something i'll like to tell us about, you know different situations played in my head you know how people are so nice to other people at after a point of time and they don't get any reference at all they become frustrated and even angry, cuz they feel "after all what i've done"....buh really i want to encourage someone, anyone here right naw that whatever you're involved in right naw, don't stop!..keep doing it, it may seem tiring or you think it's even unfruitful at this point in time but really keep doing it because there's a reason that that inspiration came up at that point in time and if you stop naw trust me you're robbing some people of their blessings.
so if it's giving you do, keep giving, DON'T STOP, if it's helping your mates out with school work, keep helping out, DON'T STOP!..if it's talking to people, keep talking because trust me you don't know if it's what you said that day that the person needs to hear to keep living, if it's praying,keep praying DON'T STOP,if it's calling,keep calling, if it's visiting, keep visiting, if it's writing don't stop writing, you don't know who's going to read the next article or post and you're changing lives already!...DON'T STOP! DON'T STOP!! DON'T STOP!!!
You know rounding up with my blog story (so you guyz will know i'm not just talking from a *she's not been there so wat's she saying* perspective)....when i opened my blog page today i wuz lyk woaw!..this place feels empty...and he jhust reassured me that really no matter what I can't stop, the main thing is whatever, whenever, I must keep writing cuz that's my own contribution to spreading this message on the internet for now.'m sure he's talking to you too now about that thing he doesn't want you to stop.
God Bless
New month, new experiences, new expectations.
Hello!!!!! 've really really missed you guys. First of all I would like to apologise for not been able to update this blog like I'm supposed to do. I'm sure my apologies are well accepted.thanks.
So HAPPY NEW MONTH!!!! you know wat I wuz thinking of?!..yhu know how we all send each other new month messages and call one another and we post sturvs on facebook for the new month and all I wonder how many people really experience a new month as they are meant to.The general idea is new month okay that means we're drawing closer to christmas or new month at least there's something new in my life or new month I can finally get an increase in my salary but no really that's not what God wants us to think or fill our minds with, you know when a new month starts first of all declare all what you want in that month, don't think what you're saying doesn't matter cuz it auctually matters a whole lot because last month wasn't so rosy doesn't mean this month must turn out the same but it will if you just watch he days go by.
Brethren, friends I implore you let's take great advantage of this month while it's still young let's shape it to the way we want it to look by saying what we want it to be ,don't set your expectations low just because you ddn't get what you wanted last month or don't look down on yourself just because you didn't attain that particular thing you wanted, don't even think of starting this month with a new kind of anger, STAND UP! and be ready like a real soldier of the gospel that you are and tell this month of September "oh I don't think you've seen this side of me before or even anything like this cuz I tell you I'm going to be fruitful this month, oh this monh of september I tell you you're going to do jhust as I say and at the end of the day 'm not going to regret a single day of month because I tell you it's going to be the best month in this year so far and trust me I'm not being braggadocious so you can go and tell the monh of October to beware! Cuz 'm ready!
Hope you've done that!
God bless
I love you all so much!
So HAPPY NEW MONTH!!!! you know wat I wuz thinking of?!..yhu know how we all send each other new month messages and call one another and we post sturvs on facebook for the new month and all I wonder how many people really experience a new month as they are meant to.The general idea is new month okay that means we're drawing closer to christmas or new month at least there's something new in my life or new month I can finally get an increase in my salary but no really that's not what God wants us to think or fill our minds with, you know when a new month starts first of all declare all what you want in that month, don't think what you're saying doesn't matter cuz it auctually matters a whole lot because last month wasn't so rosy doesn't mean this month must turn out the same but it will if you just watch he days go by.
Brethren, friends I implore you let's take great advantage of this month while it's still young let's shape it to the way we want it to look by saying what we want it to be ,don't set your expectations low just because you ddn't get what you wanted last month or don't look down on yourself just because you didn't attain that particular thing you wanted, don't even think of starting this month with a new kind of anger, STAND UP! and be ready like a real soldier of the gospel that you are and tell this month of September "oh I don't think you've seen this side of me before or even anything like this cuz I tell you I'm going to be fruitful this month, oh this monh of september I tell you you're going to do jhust as I say and at the end of the day 'm not going to regret a single day of month because I tell you it's going to be the best month in this year so far and trust me I'm not being braggadocious so you can go and tell the monh of October to beware! Cuz 'm ready!
Hope you've done that!
God bless
I love you all so much!
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